Transas provides service from own trained specialists in all the biggest ports and in all other ports via our widespread Service Network. All work is performed by Transas-certified engineers who are regularly trained and updated with the latest technologies knowledge.
- One-stop Solutions for our customer;
- 24/7 Service Support which includes:
- Coordinated Service Attendance through our Worldwide Service Network;
- Remote diagnostic support via Transas TransLink firewall;
- 24/7 Support Hotline;
- Service Support via email.
- Onboard Service for the following products:
- Electronic Charts, incl TADS, AVCS, DNC, ARCS, Transas TX-97;
- Transas ECDIS;
- VDR/SVDR Installation & Commissioning (Transas, Netwave (Rutter) and Danelec systems);
- VDR/SVDR Annual Performance Test (Transas, Netwave (Rutter) and Danelec systems);
- Transas SSAS & FleetViewOnline;
- Transas Navi-Radar;
- Transas Navi-Conning;
- Transas Integrated Bridge System;
- Transas BNWAS;
- Transas Wave fuel efficiency system;
- Other Navigational Bridge equipment like AIS, GPS, Navtex, LRIT, GMDSS APT & etc.
- TRANSERV program which includes:
- Preventive maintenance;
- Remote Diagnostic Support;
- Extended Transas Warranty;
- Latest applicable Transas Software upgrades during maintenance visit.
- Transas ECDIS Type Specific Training;
- Technical training for Transas agents and distributors;
- Spare parts availability in the major hubs.